General Rules and Guidelines for the Website
0. Accounts - Everyone will have at least TWO accounts. Their Player Account or in the case of the Admin, that Account. Then they will have their Character Account(s). You make the Character Account so that your Sheet can be approved by the Admin.
1. Basic English - Please make sure your posts are properly edited for spelling and grammar, and especially for coherence. If you are not sure, paste your post into a word processing document (Word, for example), and do a spell check. Read the post aloud. Please don't give everyone migraines trying to read poor posts.
2. No spamming - Don't post all over the board just because you can. It's annoying, and more than likely, we'll make you decide where you will post, and then warn you.
3. No godmoding - Do not control characters that are not yours without explicit permission. This also encompasses NPCs that are not yours. And finally, this also means that you are restricted to what your Jewel is. If in doubt, PM the admin.
4. Censoring - Will not happen on these boards, but in return, we expect a certain level of maturity from our players. If you feel you cannot handle violence or sex themes (or in some cases, both), then this is probably not the RPG for you. The following may occur without the need of permissions of all involved: Breaking; Shattering Jewels; Ringing; Raping; Killing. For any threads that have the above themes please place <MATURE> somewhere in the heading to warn other Players.
5. No padding - This means that you cannot create characters to be in the Blood Triangle or First Circles of courts of your own characters (PM admin to apply for an exception) - Second Circle or lesser is okay. Nor can you create characters whose primary interactions are with one another. Once in a while is okay, but constantly is not. Illegal court padding will have your court dissolved. I will enforce this.
6. Admin - If you have concerns regarding a post, a thread, or action taken on the board, please consult with the forum moderator first. In the event that the forum is OOC, please contact the Administrator.
Chatroom Rules and Guidelines
0. RESPECT everyone in the chatroom.
1. The QUEEN or WARLORD PRINCE of the Territory for the chatroom are in charge of the room. They have final say in their room.
2. The TRIANGLE of the Ruler. (I.E. The STEWARD, The MASTER OF THE GUARD, The CONSORT and/or The FIRST ESCORT) are in charge if the Queen or Warlord Prince is not in the room. They have the final say if the Queen or Warlord Prince is not in the room.